Thursday, October 16, 2008

Looking to the future

I have a lot of time to think while I'm out walking and running. The other day I realized that I have a very strong desire to hike Mount Timpanogos aka Timp. It has a big history in my family.

My father used to be a tour guide for groups going up the mountain in his teenage years. He also painted at least one painting of the mountain, probably more than that. One of which hung in our home all through my childhood.

Also, there is a photograph of my sweet mother as a teenager on a hike with my dad. I'm not sure if it was taken on Timp, but I'd like to think it was, but even if it was somewhere else, there's a Mom connection there. (My mother died ten years ago.)

The thing that got me thinking about this is a stack of pictures I found the other day of my husband, father, and brothers, along with one of their future wives, hiking Timp. The scenery is so beautiful! It's just breathtaking and amazing and for so many years it hasn't even been a possiblity for me, due to my physical limitations. Suddenly it's a real possibility to be fit enough to do this hike and actually enjoy it.

Brad would be an amazing hiking partner and I know he would help me through the hard parts so I would feel safe and be safe.

Hiking and running were always two things that I've hated. Running because it was just so hard on my body and hiking because it was just hard and I get scared in precarious situations. Looking back at running, I am enjoying doing it because of the accomplishment. It's not that I'm actually loving the act of running, so much, as I am enjoying the fact that I'm doing it. Hiking I can see why it would be fun, with the whole beauty surrounding it. I suppose it could still be scary, but as long as we do it safely, and my husband does, I think I can do it.

Now, I'm not sure when I'll be back in Utah, we were there this summer and unless we end up moving there, it may be a while before we can get back there. But as soon as it's a possibility, I want to plan an actual date for the hike. I would really love it if all my family came too. Wouldn't that be awesome? Anyone game?


Brad said...

Honey, this is by far the best post on your blog so far! :) I love hearing you talk about taking me on the hike up Mount Timpanogos. It is absolutely breathtaking! I can't wait to hike that mountain with you. We could plan it as early as next summer.

bridt said...

i am totally game. that day is a fun memory for me and one of the first family activities i was able to join in. i would love to do it again, especially with you joining us this time!