Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I scheduled a fill

I was up another two pounds today for some reason. I'm really not happy about that. I'm 4 pounds higher than my lowest weight of 214. I was hoping to see it go down today, not up. So, I called Dr. Metz's office and scheduled an appointment for a fill next Friday. I'm definitely able to eat more than I probably should be, so hopefully this will help kickstart the weight loss again.

I got my exercise done today, but it was much harder because I did it this afternoon. It's so much easier when I do it first thing in the morning. Tomorrow I'll be exercising about 5:30 a.m., so that's pretty much first thing.

I prepared a whole bunch of grilled chicken today on my friends' grill. I marinated thirteen chicken breasts in teriyaki and they turned out great! I'm going to freeze some of it to use for meals over the next while. We're also eating it for dinner tonight. Yay for convenient food that is healthy.


Anonymous said...

Melissa, just remember with all the working out that you are doing, muscle weighs more than fat. Keep measuring yourself and look for those numbers to change for a while, then go back to concentrating on the scale. You look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about the need for a fill... but I am looking forward to finally meeting you!! ;))

Jason and Jessie Cook said...

Well I had to tag 6 people and I tagged you. I hope you don't mind. Check out my blog to see what to do. You don't have to if you don't want to though. Hope you are all doing great.

Deb said...

Yeah...I'm gonna catch up to you! How's that!? I'm so wicked!!! You are probably putting on muscle which weighs more than fat! Hang in there