Monday, September 15, 2008

Keeping on

I don't have a lot of new stuff to post about, but things are still going well. I guess there was something noteworthy yesterday.

We periodically have potluck dinners after church. Yesterday we had one. I ate my meal, feeling a bit conspicuous because I was eating a bit more than I usually do at home. Then I looked around at others' plates. They were filled up with lots of food, just how I did before my surgery. My portion was significantly smaller than theirs or mine pre-surgery. So, while it was a bit of an indulgence, it was still in moderation. That's why I love this band.

I need to figure out how to customize my walking/running music mix. With the Couch to 5K program it would be ideal to have 90 seconds of one song, followed by 2 minutes of another song, at the appropriate tempos for running and walking. I'm a bit of a circus show with my stopwatch in one hand, my mp3 player in the other, switching things around every time I switch from running to walking or vice versa. I have the songs I want, I just don't know how to save just part of the song. Off to google it, I guess.

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