Sunday, May 24, 2009


I realized something this morning as I was thinking about my weight. The Friday before my free day last week I weighed 192. It was my lowest yet. Pretty exciting, right? Well, then I had my day- of-lots-of-eating and haven't ever seen it since. My lowest is 194 since then. I've been frustrated with myself because I feel like it's all my fault and I messed up that progress. While there is probably some truth to that, there's another factor that I had forgotten. The truth is, that is how I lose weight. I hang out at one weight for a while, then see a dip to a new low. The number almost always goes back up for a few days to even a week or two, and eventually I make it back down to that number and beyond. Eating aside, that's just how my body seems to do weight loss. So I patiently wait for those numbers to make another appearance.

This was a good week. I used my free points more wisely and didn't go completely overboard with them. I can't wait to see what this next week will bring.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

You look fantastic and have achieved so much, well done