Friday, April 25, 2008

Second Fill

I had my second fill yesterday. It wasn't as bad as the first one because I knew to have him numb me up from the start. It took a little while, it wasn't as easy as I imagine it will get to be as he gets more experience. I now have 7 ccs of saline in my 10 cc band. I had two put in at surgery, three last time and two again yesterday.
I've only had liquids since the fill, but it seems that there's some restriction even just with the liquid, so that's a good thing.
My weight has finally moved this week, after a couple weeks of plateau and I'm down a few more pounds. I also went clothes shopping in Denver last weekend and finally purchased some new clothes. I feel so much better in things that fit.
Brad has dropped a few pounds and Dr. Melniczek said that's a sign that he's being supportive. He said they start to worry when someone's spouse starts to gain weight. That shows unsupportiveness. Interesting. I'd never heard anything about that before.
I am itching to get started on an exercise program. I've had a few walks here and there, but I never seem to be able to fit it into my day. I'd like to start doing T-tapp again. I always feel good physically when I do that workout. I think I'll set a goal to start doing a workout every day, starting in May. Now, I'm holding myself accountable. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Youre looking amazing Melissa!!